Banking on the Indoor/Outdoors Trend

Dec. 15, 2020

A full blown-trend for the past few years, COVID has only increased the spotlight on the need for well-ventilated spaces, notably for eating and drinking establishments. Proprietors of Ainslie, Brooklyn, New York’s newest Italian restaurant, hustled to create accommodations where they could.  The restaurant uses operable doors from Schweiss Bifold to get the job done. Specifically, it has a 30-ft., 6-in. x 13-ft., 4-in, Schweiss Doors bifold designer door that opens to a bar and landscaped yard at the back of the restaurant.

The COVID crisis has firmly established the importance of healthy ventilation and plenty of outside air in spaces—an idea often poo-pooed due to its energy impact on environmental conditioning. In a world where it’s not implausible that another epic virus may rear its ugly head in the not-so-distant future, today’s preparations for “health resiliency,” is that much more critical. In facing the onset of cold weather, how such oasis continue to operate comes into focus, and decisions may keep the hope of many small businesses alive.

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