Striking the Daylighting Lighting Balance

March 26, 2020
Columbus, Ohio
Schooley Caldwell, GUND

Another example of an engaging and dynamic library renovation recently took place at the Columbus Metropolitan Library-Main Branch in Ohio. In swapping out the stone-clad walls with glass curtainwall, Schooley Caldwell & gund Partnership have essentially created a library in a park in connecting the original 1907 building, built from money donated by Andrew Carnegie to the 9-plus acre adjacent public Topiary Park.

Partnering with lighting designer Tec Studio, strategic uplighting, downlighting, cove lighting, and suspended linear luminaires deliver aesthetic, balanced lighting and energy savings. Take the centerpiece atrium, for example. Tec Studio’s design embraces the existing clerestory windows, but balances the incoming daylight by uplighting the ceiling cavity with Lumiere eon fixtures that maintain ceiling brightness while eliminating the shadows, explains Ardra Zinkon, CLD, IALD, president, director of lighting design, Tec Studio, Columbus, Ohio. 

Portfolio supplements the downlighting from the high ceiling and is tied to a daylight harvesting system. Addressing the low-ceiling heights in the stack area, a staggered luminaire layout with Cooper Corelite R6 was specified. “We also replaced existing large hid cylinder locations with smaller dimmable led versions,” adds Zinkon.

Uplighting and Daylighting: Lumiere EON fixtures balance the incoming daylight by uplighting the ceiling cavity while maintaining ceiling brightness and eliminating shadows.

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