Office at Tech Startup Working Smart

Jan. 24, 2019

Creative use of furniture helps tech startup smartly design a workplace solution to create maximum workspaces.

Los Angeles

After quickly outgrowing its first office, designed in collaboration with Poppin, Honey, an LA-based shopping app/tech startup, needed to open a second location that felt beautiful and on-brand, creating a seamless experience for employees between offices.


While designing the office, Poppin, a workplace furniture manufacturer that brings form, function and a pop of color to the workplace, offered Honey a unique opportunity: they would send multiple task chairs for Honey from which to choose. After working with—and on—the options, they ultimately decided on the High Back Max Task Chair for maximum comfort. Paired with the benched Series A desks, the neutral palette of the personal workspaces encourages the team to make their desks their own, with playful pops of color like the customized desktop accessories made just for Honey.


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