Lighting Controls Offer Office Flexibility

Sept. 19, 2018

Advertising agency JWT’s New York office serves as its global headquarters. The open design embodies the company’s approach to its work, and it needed a lighting system that is flexible enough to meet the needs of the office such as precise dimming and shade control integration.

New York

JWT, a world-wide advertising agency, has opened a New York office to serves as its global headquarters. The 250,000-sq.-ft. office extends five floors and accommodates more than 900 employees. With an open, creative and functional design aesthetic, the space embodies the company’s approach to its work and mission. Lighting controls needed to meet energy code and architectural dimming requirements. The system had to be flexible to meet different needs such as precise dimming or shade control integration for specific areas and rooms from executive offices, open areas, conference rooms and café.


This was the first lighting controls project that combined two Wattstopper control systems, the Lighting Control and Automation Panel (LCAP) series and Digital Lighting Management (DLM) platform. Since then, many lighting projects have included both solutions to meet code compliance and precise dimming objectives. This was not any different for the JWT project. Another benefit was easy integration of other systems, such as shades. A key in the success of the project was a local Legrand team was accessible.


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