LED Lighting Plays Strong in Music City

Feb. 20, 2019

Headquartered in Nashville since 1985, SESAC recently made the decision to consolidate its offices under one roof while remaining close to its roots on Music Row.

Nashville, Tenn.
Architect: Tuck-Hinton Lighting Designer: Brilliant Lighting Studio Design: Wolcott Architecture

It was necessary for the new headquarters to showcase its catalog of famous artists, reinforce creativity, encourage collaboration, and reflect the company’s culture and brand. The two-story space was designed as a multi-purpose facility. Nashville based architecture firm, Tuck-Hinton Architects, designed the office with a variety of work environments enveloping a grand staircase, strategically placed in the center of the office, doubling as a performance area.


Continuing to draw inspiration from the organization and with a desire to play off SESAC’s brand identity, custom triangular-shaped suspended luminaires were designed, evocative of the distinct “A” in SESAC’s logo, with a custom finish to match the company’s signature red color.


The attention to detail and seamless communication by the Focal Point Custom Revenue Engineering (CRE) team resulted in a direct/indirect pendant fabricated using stock components of Dart suspended luminaires. The luminaires were strategically placed in the two-story atrium and in gathering areas to provide a common feature, visually joining formal and informal areas. Standard Amica 2 × 2 LED and Skydome LED luminaires from Focal Point were also included in the space.

In the end, the new space was designed for the future with LED luminaires and a lighting control system, to yield an LPD of 1.1 W/sq. ft., reducing costs and easing maintenance needs. Like a musical composition, the design emphasizes counterpoint and harmony, earning a 2017 IES Illumination Award of Merit and delivering a flexible space
to keep the music alive.


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