Historic London Office Space Revitalized

Jan. 17, 2019

Former Victorian depository draws inspiration from elegant woven metal fabric to enhance the new office space.

London, England
Squire and Partners

The Studio at 10A Greenwood Place in London completes its stylishly industrial revitalization with a unique lift enclosure. Two mesh patterns, layered closely together, enhance the new office space created in a former Victorian depository.


As the office is designed as an open plan, the lift is a focal point, offering transportation between floors and is designed to evoke the building’s Victorian era. It’s complemented by brick walls, concrete soffits and exposed cast iron supports.

With a beautiful street frontage, The Studio provides ample light via expansive, modern windows, which open into the office space and illuminate the intricate lift cladding. The two combined woven metal patterns emphasize the era and accompanying architectural elements.


The refurbished platform lift is enclosed in Banker Wire’s lock crimp wire mesh. The architect wanted to retain some of the office’s original industrial features and selected the L-80 black copper plated metal mesh and L-3 brass mesh. Layering the two types enabled the architects to create a look and feel befitting the building’s origins.

“We undertook an extensive research of various mesh products and Banker Wire products achieved the appearance and quality that we envisaged,” explains Natalia Scherchenkova, project architect, Squire and Partners. “The two layers of mesh were used within a bespoke frame panel that was produced by the metalwork subcontractors.”


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