Doors Add Finishing Touch to Entertainment Center

Dec. 14, 2018

The new Toyota Music Factory in Irving, Texas, is a 410,000-sq.-ft., 16.7-acre, American Entertainment complex developed by The ARK Group and the City of Irving, and designed
by Gensler. The complex houses 20 restaurants and retail space.

Irving, Texas

The music arena converts easily from an intimate 4000-seat concert hall to an 8000-seat amphitheater, named the Pavilion at The Music Factory, the $40 million centerpiece of the complex. At the exterior of the Pavilion, at the outside of the amphitheater, are a series of seven, side-by-side, bifold liftstrap doors, ranging from 35 ft. 1 in. to 36 ft. 9 in. in width. All seven doors have a clear opening height of 25 ft., 6 in.


The engineered Schweiss Doors bifold liftstrap doors are equipped with the newly patented Schweiss automatic strap latch system, door base safety edges, 3-phase top-drive motors, black liftstraps and full length windrails that cap off the roller assembly. Roy Weisinger of Hangar Rental Inc. of Brookshire, Texas, installed the bifold doors.


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