Collaborative Nautical

June 1, 2016
Expedia CruiseShipCenters’ new corporate headquarters—with its nautical theme—features a collaborative environment.
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
CHALLENGE:Expedia CruiseShipCenters recently moved to a new corporate headquarters in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Designed by Gensler, the 28,497–sq.–ft. facility features a nautical theme that coincides with the company’s core services. INFLUENCE:Expedia’s goal was to create an open, collaborative environment so Gensler designed the interior with several glass-wall partition systems. SOLUTION:C.R. Laurence was selected to supply the interior glass-wall systems. Designated conference rooms feature CRL’s 487 Series Integrated Slider. It comes equipped with a unique, integrated top–hung sliding system that saves valuable floor space, and provides streamlined visuals. Fully–framed doors deliver enhanced acoustical privacy using minimal metal, and a narrow 1.5-in. face trim promotes natural light diffusion to help create a vibrant atmosphere. Completing the interior office partitions plan is CRL’s Clear View Frameless Glass Wall System. Clear View features low–profile door rails that produce a contemporary all–glass aesthetic. This supports the open and collaborative design intent. Clear View comes equipped with CRL’s patented Wedge–Lock Dry Glaze System for faster glass installation and a secure hold. null

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