Casino Resort Goes 'All In' with Glass Partition

Jan. 23, 2019
Brooks, Calif.
ID3 Design

Labeled the most popular gaming facility in Northern California, Cache Creek Casino Resort offers its patrons an extensive amount of gaming, attractions and amenities, all within a luxurious environment. Cache Club members receive unparalleled luxuries, benefits, promotions and perks. There’s a reason why it’s the most sought after gaming destination in Sacramento and the San Francisco Bay area. In the VIP Reception Area, members are welcomed by an extravagant decorative glass partition.


Working with the elaborate design theme set out by Cache Creek, Nathan Allan Glass Studios produced its exclusive Torques Decorative Glass panels, which, part its Freeform Series, is forged with formidable depths of flowing texture. Due to its exclusive kiln-forming processes, Torques Glass is essentially texture-less, allowing for substantial light transmission without sacrificing any privacy—perfect for the VIP Reception Area at Cache Creek. The pattern flows seamlessly from panel to panel and is viewable from each side of the glass. Using low-iron glass, our Torques Decorative Glass displays a shimmering, crystal clear effect. Various size panels, measuring up to 54-in. wide × 96-in. high, are used in this impressive space. Glass panels are 0.5-in. thick, Low-Iron tempered safety glass with machine polished edges.

The textured glass panels are held in place with two-sided stops, cushioned on the bottom edges and silicone sealed in the gaps and on the perimeters of each panel.


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