Bike Park Open Day and Night

Oct. 19, 2021

The Rockstar Energy Bike Park is the latest feature project at the North Houston Sports Complex and is one of the largest and most unique BMX parks in the United States.

North Houston, Texas
OJB Landscape Architecture

Rockstar bike park is open and operational day and night, so lighting is a key component to the ambiance and functionality of the facility and the safety of the guests. Superior lighting products were required to perform as advertised and provide precise IES patterns with unparalleled uniformity and low glare optics, ensuring harsh glare would not disrupt the riders’ line of sight and cause accidents.


In the special bowls and street feature areas of the park, the lighting design called for a luminaire that would complement and reinforce the aesthetic of the space without any compromise to performance. The designers knew that these areas would be heavily featured in event photography and videos, especially during high-profile professional competitions.


The project specifiers, Wylie Consulting Engineers and the Office of James Burnett (OJB), consulted with Lighting Associates, Inc. on elements of the lighting design at the facility. One area of focus was the walkway lighting. The team wanted to see options for fixtures that weren’t obtrusive but provided ample lighting with wide spacing. OJB was immediately impressed with the KicK Medium from Architectural Area Lighting, which was selected for this area once the photometric design was finalized.

The modern, sharp lines of the KicK luminaire make it incredibly unique and the look played well with the structural elements in the park. When mounted together, the KicK luminaires resemble a fish tail, and provide 360-degrees of light for the riders to practice their best tailwhips. KicK provides pleasing, crisp visual texture for the riders to practice at night as easily as they would during the day.

Also featured on the Rockstar BMX Park site is the Alpha floodlight from Beacon Products, providing dependable, precise, and direct flood lighting. With six standard NEMA beam spread options, the versatile Alpha is configured for specific areas of the park. Larger beams of light cover more surface area, while the very narrow beams provide a more focused, spotlight effect. The Alpha is well-suited for outdoor sporting activities and provides consistent, reliable, exact lighting for riders throughout the park.

The VBGL Vaportite pendant luminaire complements the industrial and modern aesthetic of the park with the efficiency of all Hubbell Outdoor Lighting products. The frosted glass globe eliminates glare allowing the BMX riders of the park to adequately survey their surroundings even after sunset. The VBGL pendant is also ideal for all weather conditions and can withstand intense periods of rain and wind, making it a great fit for Texas weather.


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