Targeted Lighting

Jan. 12, 2022

Intended for street and area directional lighting, Bellevue delivers with a single, modern rectilinear design. Offered in 2700K, 3000K, 3500K and 4000K color temperatures and 70 and/or 80 CRI (depending on model), specifiers can choose between three unique optic types. Bellevue’s sleek, robust design features a 6-in. × 6-in. column size, with a range of column heights from 10 to 20 ft. Standard mounts include single mount, twin mount at 90 degrees or 180 degrees, a triple mount at 90 degrees, and quadruple mount. All luminaires in the Bellevue family feature a 7-pin receptacle, easy driver access, motion sensor, and GFI and CGF options.

Judge’s Comment: “Excellent coverage with attractive, clean presentation.”

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