One of a Kind

June 21, 2021

By Venetian designer and the brand’s Design Curator, Luca Nichetto, the Jefferson Suspension Lamp features an alluring crystal form evoking the prismatic visuals of the late 1960s counterculture. The lamp’s 3-W LED module features a Color Rendering Index equal to 90, creating an authentic color representation. Created through a special pressing technique that imprints details on the crystal surface, the fixture is suspended from a thin yet strong Kevlar-reinforced cable that allows for the diffusion of a warm and elegant illumination that extends 360 degrees.

The Jefferson suspension lamp is reminiscent of music and iconic images in psychedelic works of art from the 1960s. The vortex motif decorating the diffuser is embellished by the timeless classicism of Bohemian crystal, which diffuses evocative atmospheres of light. 

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