Noise-Averse Texas-Sized Project Inspires the Dallas Design Community

March 26, 2020

Focused on serving as a resource for those interested in architecture and design in the Dallas area, AIA Dallas and the Architecture and Design Foundation converged in a new space to form “AD EX.” With the intent to deliver a multi-use environment AIA Dallas commissioned Omniplan to redesign the approximately 26,000-sq.-ft., 2-story space. To mitigate reverberation issues and address the lighting needs in the first-floor training room and event space, Omniplan selected Focal Point’s Seem 1 Acoustic luminaire and baffle system. An acoustic analysis yielded a 0.85 second reverberation time (RT) in the training room and a 1.05 seconds RT in the event-space area. Using this information, it was determined that 40 continuous runs of 12-in. tall Seem 1 Acoustic luminaires would be used across both spaces. Using the fixtures across the two rooms and incorporating a moveable partition permitted a unified space for large events, and smaller individual areas for focused work. The system is available in individual lengths and continuous runs with nominal housing heights of 8, 12 and 16 in. Ultimately, the flexibility of the system contributed to an approximately 30% reduction in reverberation time in both the event space and training room, which is a noticeable audible reduction in echoing. The luminaire/baffle system was also selected for the second-floor multi-use conference room.

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