Near Column-Free

April 22, 2022

Solar carport manufacturer Quest Renewables supplied a 907kW system in tandem with its installation partner Hannah Solar to erect 10 of the manufacturer’s QuadPod double cantilever canopies for AVX in Fountain Inn, S.C. in just 28 days. The 273-panel truss was constructed and panelized in 100 labor hours. After the on-the-ground assembly, panel placement, inverter mounting, wiring and lighting, the canopy units were lifted by crane for final attachment. Because 90% of QuadPod’s construction takes place on the ground, construction with QuadPod canopies is three times faster than traditional carport systems. Each double cantilever in the system is supported on just three foundations and produces 90.7kW of power per canopy. The system contains 2,730 bi-facial modules from Trina Solar.

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