Flexible and Movable Furniture

Jan. 7, 2021

As states and countries consider the path to reopening schools, education systems must consider not only when they will open their doors, but how they can successfully maintain an environment that prioritizes sanitation and social distancing measures. At UK-based manufacturer and installer of education seating, Ferco Seating, experts have paid close attention to the rules and regulations that countries overseas have implemented to safely reopen schools. Their solution? The EasyGlide Desk. It’s lightweight, maneuverable in any direction and stable on flat feet. The design and folding capabilities give teachers autonomy in the design of their classrooms.

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Check out some of Eldorado's recent projects. This will show you the before and after results of how Eldorado could add value to your next architectural endeavor.

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Today, Eldorado is recognized as a leader in quality and innovation in the U.S. and around the world. Eldorado Stone, LLC is headquartered in Oceanside, CA, and currently operates...

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Renovating or building your home can be both exciting and daunting as you go through the process of choosing an optimal layout, the best materials, and pleasing colors and finishes...