Bifolding Door and Wall System

June 14, 2021

Setting a standard for aesthetics and performance, with a slimline profile, concealed hinges and a 12-ft. maximum frame height, the system delivers an elegant solution that minimizes hardware and maximizes views. C.R. Laurence's Palisades S90 system delivers superior thermal and structural performance. It is also distinctly slim as its 4.75-in. panel posts and low-profile rails maximize views, concealed hinges also help minimize hardware-look, while the panels can fold to either interior or exterior spaces. Certified to meet CW minimum design pressure of 40 psf and CW maximum allowable deflection of L/175, the system is available in standard finishes, including black bronze anodized or satin anodized.

Palisades S90 is the only system in the industry that has a CW40 Performance Grade rating—delivering superior thermal and structural performance.

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