Outperforming Steel Walls  

March 29, 2021

Simpson Strong-Tie’s Strong-Wall high-strength wood shearwall (WSWH), is a versatile, high-performance solution for lateral-force resistance in light-frame residential and commercial construction. The code-listed, prefabricated WSWH has a patented design that provides the highest allowable loads for a wide variety of applications. And unlike other shear walls, the high-strength WSWH is fabricated from a wood-based material that is field trimmable for the ultimate in fit and flexibility at the jobsite. Ideal for providing additional structural strength and lateral-force resistance in areas subject to earthquakes and high winds, the WSWH is code listed to the 2018 IRC/IBC, conforms to ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria AC130 and AC436, and can be used in standard, garage portal, and balloon framing applications.

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