Bordeaux Villa Adds to Outdoor Living

Aug. 18, 2020

New villa provides ultimate comfort for residents, both indoors and outdoors with sun protection.

Bordeaux, France
Christine Bouchard

In sunny Bordeaux, France, life moves effortlessly between indoor and outdoor spaces. However idyllic this sounds, it does pose one great risk: interiors can often get too hot, too soon.


Residents discovered after three months in their new home, given the orientation of the house, sun protection was absolutely essential. Even despite the fact the living room faces directly south, suitable sun protection keeps the interior cooler even on the hottest summer days. Thanks to the pergola in the garden, the homeowners can choose all year round whether to spend time indoors or outdoors, depending on which environment is most pleasant at any given time of day.


“We installed pretty much every element of Renson’s sun protection range on this property,” says installer Frederic Lacoste of Renson ambassador Portaix Loisirs. “There’s a Panovista Max sun protection screen on the sliding corner window—with a zip and without any intrusive profiles or cables in the corner, which doesn’t have a supporting post—there are Loggia sliding panels on the windows and fixed Sunclips’ awnings above another window.” However, much of these solutions differ; they all make sure in the same effective manner that the sun never drives indoor temperatures in this well-insulated villa to unbearable levels. They all block the sun rays before they even reach the glass.

The owners are delighted with the result. The main advantage is that they can open or close both screens and sliding panels as they wish, depending on the level of comfort they want to create or the amount of light they want to let in.

The same applies to the garden, which is a place where the owners spend a significant share of their time. To ensure they can keep enjoying their outdoor space even in a heat wave—and there have been several over the past few years—thanks to the integrated screens and tilting blades, the Camargue pergola can control shade and temperature even on the most sweltering days. Another advantage is that it offers a way to live comfortably outdoors even in spring and autumn. “On top of that,” the owners add, “the Loggia sliding panels not only provide the necessary shade but also allow us extra privacy for the hot tub.

“Right from the earliest design stages of their new home, the owners had a pool house in mind. Renson’s Camargue terrace cover with tilting blades was the perfect fit for how they imagined this space. The builders were also immediately persuaded by the various sun protection solutions. To me, the fact that the owners felt comfortable in their new home straight away is the perfect proof that this was a successful project,” says architect Christine Bouchard.


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