A Visually Striking Natural Quartz Material

Aug. 15, 2022
© Bradley Corporation

Bradley introduces Evero Matte®, a fresh new quartz option with a stone-like appearance for commercial handwashing basins. With its natural matte finish, unique understated texture and selection of monochromatic colors, Evero Matte is a visually striking natural quartz material that is elegant, durable, nonporous and sustainable. Ideal for any modern washroom space, Evero Matte has a pure organic appearance and soft suede feel that will not show fingerprints. Being cast-formed, Evero Matte washbasins are able to be specified in various attractive seamless shapes and forms. The Evero Matte Mason Series color palette includes Mesa White, Limestone, Sandbar, Desert Clay, Lunar Gray, Bedrock, Cinder and Black Onyx.

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