User Friendly Restroom Accent

March 21, 2019

New restroom accent and accessories are helping users overcome their greatest aggravations, fears and phobias.

Excel Dryer’s XLERATORsync hand dryer directly integrates with the D|13 Sink System to avert mess. According to Excel’s William Gagnon, vice president of marketing and sales, integrated sink systems are the next generation of “green” restroom design, as they provide form and function that deliver a better user experience. “Further, they solve the potential issues often associated with high-speed, wall-mounted hand dryers: sound, where the water goes, hygiene and aesthetics.”

The dryer features an outlet for each hand, while reversing the airflow to blow water down and away from the user and into the sink basin. By integrating the hand dryer directly onto the sink deck, Excel’s D|13 Sink System enables users to wash, rinse and dry their hands all in one convenient location.

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