Cool Breeze

Oct. 1, 2016
Nashville’s Little Harpeth Brewery discovered that its 10,000-sq.-ft. space became unbearably hot in the warmer months, and it needed to act on its ventilation problem.
Nashville, Tenn.
CHALLENGE:After launching its microbrewery business two years ago, Little Harpeth Brewery, located in Nashville, Tenn., quickly discovered that its 10,000-sq.-ft. space became unbearably hot in the warmer months. Relying on only barrel fans and box fans for air movement, the large space was sweltering when temperatures and humidity points were high. The stagnant heat was affecting both the staff and the guests visiting the taproom. SOLUTION:After looking at the different high volume low speed fans on the market, Kwas decided to have two 18-ft. Titan fans installed in the taproom and the production room. The structural engineer was impressed with how light the Titan was compared to other industrial fans on the market and gave his approval to have them installed. Before the fans were installed, Kwas and his team had considered closing the taproom due to the extreme heat. With the fans now providing a nice breeze, they were able to keep the taproom open for business even in the hottest summer months. null

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