Expressive Exteriors

May 3, 2018
Trespa Meteon is a versatile cladding panel that brings compelling aesthetic and colors to façade design. The decorative high-pressure compact laminate is comprised of a blend of natural fibers and thermosetting resins; it features an integral surface manufactured using Electron Beam Curing Technology. The Lumen collection includes eight colors with three enlivening finishes dubbed Diffuse, Specular and Oblique. Diffuse removes glossiness, reflection and texture for smooth, subdued appearance. Oblique provides matte and gloss surfaces echoing a natural patina or weathered look to the façade. Specular offers a reflective surface that adds drama with deep colors and gloss. They are currently are available in eight colors, including black, white, gray and several terracotta hues.

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Today, Eldorado is recognized as a leader in quality and innovation in the U.S. and around the world. Eldorado Stone, LLC is headquartered in Oceanside, CA, and currently operates...

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