Unique Façade Created for Philadelphia Condos

Dec. 8, 2020

Architects, like ISA Architects on the OTTO Brewerytown, are getting very creative with using multiple metal wall panel profiles on their projects, along with combining a variety of colors, panel orientation, and both solid and perforated panels.

Philadelphia, Pa.
Interface Studio Architects (ISA)

OTTO Brewerytown is a two-building, two-phase project, with a total of 52 high-end, high-tech condo units. It is located in a rapidly developing neighborhood, just five minutes to Philadelphia’s Center City. Phase one was completed last year, which consisted of 20 units, and in February of this year, ground was broken on phase two, for 32 more units.


Interface Studio Architects in Philadelphia collaborated closely with ATAS to select products that would achieve the design and aesthetic goals of the project, while also meeting budget parameters. ATAS’ custom Grand C panels in three colors, Patina Green, Silversmith, and Brilliant Green, in 0.032 aluminum, and Versa-Seam panels in Silversmith in 0.040 aluminum, were used to create an eye-catching design for the building’s exterior.

“Both buildings are five stories and are wood frame over a first-floor podium of steel and concrete. In selecting a façade material, we are extremely focused on the building envelope and achieving a watertight solution. We also consider aesthetics, durability, maintenance requirements and affordability. Over the years, we have analyzed a wide variety of material for use on our façades, and metal siding has become our material of choice. In fact, we just broke ground on a 50-unit apartment building in Brewerytown that also incorporates ATAS’ metal siding products,” says Hallquist.


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