Windows to the World

Jan. 1, 2016
Team targets efficiency, size and aesthetics for 1115 H Street.
Washington, D.C.
Square 134
CHALLENGE:The H Street corridor in Washington, D.C., is a street on the cusp. With an influx of young, eager homeowners and the kind of conveniences they desire, H Street is set to be the bustling place that a few developers began planning almost ten years ago. One of those developers is Stan Wall. Wall envisioned a multifamily building right in the middle of the H Street corridor—specifically one that would be a model of sustainability. INFLUENCE:Vince Harriman, the builder for 1115 H Street, notes that “building science considers windows part of any project’s top three considerations—envelope (wall type, windows and doors), air sealing and HVAC—meaning they determine so much of a project’s success.” In the case of 1115 H Street, the team defined success as energy efficiency, sensible economics and a strong building statement. Wall agreed it was important that the windows contribute to the building’s look and feel; when the building was viewed from the front, the team desired huge, loft-style, floor-to-ceiling windows. SOLUTION:

The team selected Intus Windows, which were attractive from a size perspective. The team learned that they could use an all-vinyl product for such large openings. The Intus product provides steel reinforcement throughout the frame for additional strength and rigidity. Harriman was especially drawn in by Intus’ triple-pane offerings. In addition, the team could offer the big, striking look they wanted with 6-ft. × 6-ft. windows—approximately three times the size of standard residential casement windows.


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