The View Is Great from Up Here

April 1, 2017
RJTR architects designed a glass-clad highrise, which was built atop the Mint Museum in Charlotte's Uptown neighborhood.
Charlotte, N.C.
Rule Joy Trammel + Rubio (RJTR)
CHALLENGE:Scheduled to open in March 2017, the 43-story Museum Tower is expected to earn LEED Silver certification. The residential high-rise houses 394 one- and two-bedroom apartments, 10 penthouses, a rooftop plaza and the Mint Museum. INFLUENCE:Rule Joy Trammel + Rubio (RJTR) designed the high-rise to complement the contemporary architecture of the existing Mint Museum, and help transform the city into an iconic centerpiece of the Queen City. SOLUTION:J.E. Berkowitz, LP (JEB) fabricated vision and spandrel Winduo insulating glass units (IGUs) incorporating high-performance, low-e Sun-Guard SNR 43 on CrystalGray glass and clear glass by Guardian Glass North America. The IGUs also utilized the JEB 3Seal warm-edge spacer, featuring a T-shaped design that improves total wall performance, increases condensation resistance factors, and mitigates against PIB primary seal migration. null

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