University Achieves High Acoustical Performance

July 1, 2016
The University of Toronto Scarborough Campus’ (UTSC’s) new $52.5 million Environmental Science and Chemistry Building (ESCB) is a study in sound installation.
Diamond Schmitt Architects
CHALLENGE:Contributing to the building’s multiple goals, acoustic stone wool ceiling panels and suspension systems support the university’s architectural vision, functional performance requirements and sustainability criteria, and completing the project within budget and on schedule was key. INFLUENCE:“It was a mission of mine to achieve the highest possible level of efficiency for this type of energy-use intensive building prior to the design team and contractor coming on board,” said UTSC facilities Management Dept.’s project manager, Hovan Stepanian. “Initially, we targeted Silver; however, working with the design team, we were able to fine-tune the various sustainability initiatives to target Gold.” SOLUTION:Conceived as a highly flexible research and teaching space, ESCB connects laboratories and academic offices around a five-story, sky-lit atrium. ROCKFON Alaska acoustic stone wool panels in special sizes with shiplap edge details were installed in Chicago Metallic 1200 Series exposed 15/16-in. ceiling suspension system. In total, Nelmar Drywall installed 2,045 sq. ft. of ceiling systems. An additional 18,837 sq. ft. of Artic ceiling panels were installed through the corridors, as well as in faculty offices. ROCKFON stone wool ceiling panels in North America also are UL/ULC certified for Flame Spread and Smoke Development. In addition to these attributes and the high light reflectance, Tai sought a minimum Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC) of 0.70. Exceeding expectations, most stone wool ceiling panels have an NRC of 0.85 or higher and Alaska has an NRC of 0.90 as standard. Due to their low particle emission, medical products meet stringent requirements for air cleanliness in healthcare and clean room environments. null

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