Safety and Better Views at a Sports Arena

Jan. 24, 2019

Detroit’s Little Caesar Arena features glass and aluminum rails to provide spectator safety, and give them optimum views from higher seating arrangements.

Detroit, Mich.

 Giving new meaning to the term “upper level,” Detroit’s Little Caesars Arena features a unique gondola-style seating area that is suspended high above the playing area. This exceptional arrangement would not be possible, nor useful, without several hundred feet of strong, secure glass Track Rail provided by Trex Commercial Products.

Home to the NHL’s Red Wings and NBA’s Pistons, Little Caesars Arena is located in The District Detroit and is designed to be one of the most intimate venues in both hockey and basketball. The lower bowl at Little Caesars Arena comprises more than half of the arena’s seats, giving the home team a loud—and close—cheering section.


The glass Track Rail railings used throughout the facility are comprised of 0.5-in. and 0.75-in. clear, tempered, laminated glass installed with steel embeds and secured with welded steel stiffener plates. The aisles are fitted with core-drilled anodized aluminum rails and stud-welded Gridguard—perforated custom mesh—railing for
an ideal mix of security and visual appeal.


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