Replica Windows Steer Pier Renovation

Feb. 21, 2019

Formerly one of the largest shipyards west of the Mississippi River, it was critical to preserve the seafaring history of the Port of San Francisco. Today, the port has been revived with updated windows.

San Francisco
Marcy Wong Donn Logan Architects
© Billy Hustace

As the urban cores of Silicon Valley’s technology hub cities become denser, start-ups and established high-tech developers alike have made it a habit to resurrect historically significant buildings, and add richness and a sense of place to the surrounding community.

Along with several other tenants, Uber Advanced Technologies Group occupies San Francisco’s historic Pier 70, Buildings 115 and 116. According to Berkeley-based Marcy Wong Donn Logan Architects, the buildings were all in urgent need of repair. The design team developed a building-within-a-building concept that preserved the historic perimeter brick walls, reduced the cost of temporary shoring and retained the open volume in the 62-ft. tall structure. The architects worked closely with California structural engineers Nabih Youssef Assocs.

Orton Development is restoring the historical buildings to code-compliant condition, which means the existing foundations, walls and roofs are made structurally safe and secure to withstand seismic activity.

Formerly one of the largest shipyards west of the Mississippi River, it was critical to preserve the seafaring history of the Port of San Francisco. Windows are a critical to every historic renovation and this building’s original windows were oversized with very thin, wooden mullions. The original sightlines could not be restored, so massive historic steel replica windows from Winco—Series 3250—offered the closest design match and durability options.

Winco turned on a series of new dies until the look and the engineering was perfect; a 16-ft. mock-up was then created onsite for the entire design team to approve, including officials from the Port. The resulting custom profile closely matches the original windows.

“The size of the windows is the key design element of the buildings,” says Kent Royle, assoc. principal at Marcy Wong Donn Logan Architects. “The size, number and repetition of windows make Pier 70 Buildings 115 and 116 stunning from the street, and inside, occupants are bathed in natural light. It is gratifying to see these historic buildings back in productive use.”

Winco provided more than 48,000 sq. ft. of its Series 3250 Steel Replica windows fitted with monolithic tempered clear glass. The windows withstand 110-mph winds, as well as seismic activity.

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