Perfect Harmony

March 15, 2019

SageGlass Harmony—an elegantly performing dynamic glass—delivers an innovative experience in stride with Geneva’s Millennium Center.

Geneva, Switzerland
Ensemble Architecture SA

Saint-Gobain’s latest innovation from its SageGlass division resulted in Harmony, an elegantly performing dynamic glass that was chosen as the preferred glazing of Switzerland’s new Millennium Center in Geneva. Unveiled at Glasstec last October, the solution enhances the visual and thermal comfort of occupants while maintaining views with a natural-looking, seamless connection to the outdoors.

When transforming, Harmony delivers a gradual in-pane tint transition from fully clear to fully tinted. Everything, from conference rooms to concierge services, elevators and the Millennium Center glazing, will be connected to the Cloud and managed via smartphone apps, which are integrated into Cloud service as an Internet of Things (IoT) device driven by Siemens Building Management System. “Every product we select for our building needs to be an expression of our commitment to delivering only the very best. This was especially important for our glazing selection, since it is such a significant and visible part of our design. Harmony both embodies that commitment, and will deliver to our occupants an unparalleled level of comfort and connection to the outdoors,” says Martin Schlienger of the Millennium project team.

Millennium Mastermind

Focused on innovation, technology, communication, perfection, design, environment and culture, Schlienger says he believes his firm delivers a superior workplace. “We developed the most prestigious and innovative building in Switzerland to work and share while feeling at home at work. Its eye-catching architecture and best-in-class services means working at Millennium enhances interactions between occupants, companies and their customers,” he says.

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