Office Enhances Employee Happiness with Workspaces

Oct. 29, 2020

Postmate’s 400-person San Francisco office was in need of ideal workplace solutions that would provide a private, soundproof space for employees to make calls, relax or work solo, and to improve workflow and employee satisfaction.

San Francisco, Calif.

Postmates transforms the way goods move about cities by enabling anything to be delivered on-demand. Their local couriers can deliver anything from any store or restaurant in minutes and the company encourages communities to shop local, changing their economic landscape while encouraging local businesses to offer delivery services. 


In order to promote creativity and avoid a stagnant environment, Postmates purchased modular and neutral furniture solutions. The team also runs floor resets every quarter to create new combinations of work and rest areas in the office. 


Framery was tapped to outfit the space with Framery O pods—an ideal workplace solution that provides a private, soundproof space for employees to make calls, relax or work solo. One goal of the office renovation was to improve employee happiness through offering additional workspaces and Framery O’s specialty is just that—a private space that’s there when you need it to be.

“Creativity needs fuel and the flexibility of possibilities that Framery offers us keeps my team sharp and agile,” says Annie Wu, senior director of Engagement & Culture at San Francisco’s Postmates.

“When I encountered the Framery O, I was blown away by the quality of construction and chic aesthetic. It felt very neutral and wouldn’t compete with other elements in our office,” says Wu. “We were able to move all 1:1s out of conference rooms and into Framery products, allowing our larger conference rooms to be utilized to their maximum for larger team meetings. From the design, cost efficiency and sustainability perspective, the decision to use Framery as a staple in our workplace design has been a no-brainer,” states Wu.

The company has noted employees have been using the pods to offset environmental fatigue, as they have an open office layout, and so the booths have become a safe haven for focused work. This realization has allowed Wu and her team to adjust and design additional workspaces that guarantee concentration, improving employees’ health, productivity and most of all, happiness.


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