Non-Profit Facility Designs to Durability and Style

Aug. 3, 2018
Architect: Axis Architecture & Interiors

Westminster Neighborhood Services is a non-profit organization on the east side of Indianapolis that works with community partners to provide food and clothing to neighborhood families as well as children’s programs that meet nurturing, safety, educational and developmental needs. The 16,620-sq.-ft. facility, which also serves as a neighborhood adult soup kitchen, contains a computer lab, adult classroom, learning center, a store for basic needs and a dining hall.

During the design phase of the facility, one of the main goals was to construct a building that would hold up over time and serve the community far into the future.


Envelope 2000 metal composite material (MCM) from Citadel Architectural Products offered the style, color and durability the board was seeking. 

Regal Blue, one of more than 50 color options offered by Citadel, was a perfect match for the Westminster logo. Shoemaker says the Citadel panels were the “color pops” on the project.

Spohn Assocs. of Indianapolis, a representative and installer for Citadel, installed 7884-sq.-ft. Envelope 2000 panels with the Reveal System attachment.

“We have used Envelope 2000 on many different projects,” Shoemaker says. “It has become our standard go-to product. I like the reveals, the detailing and the compatibility with other systems.”


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