New Era Kicks Off for Camp Hill High

July 1, 2015
Camp Hill, Pa.
CHALLENGE:Built in 1940, Christian L. Siebert Park, the home stadium of Camp Hill High School in southern Pennsylvania, was more noted for its cracked stands, sagging bleachers and sub-par on-field conditions than for providing a home-field advantage. In fact, most home teams, such as track & field, competed on the road or off-site; the Lions football team held halftime meetings on the pool deck rather than in the aging field house. SOLUTION:

One of the most important morale-boosting upgrades for the athletic programs was to the team and officials’ locker and meeting rooms. Designers chose Scranton Products as the supplier of the stadium’s bathroom partitions, lockers and athletic storage cubbies. Consisting of top shelving and side paneling, Scranton Products produced the cubbies with HDPE sheet material, guided by the Siebert Park specifications for easy on-site installation at the stadium. “These cubbies were created to withstand the wear and tear that comes with years of storing gear for entire football teams,” said Paul Hostetter at Hostetter Supply in Seven Valleys, Pa. “Scranton Products could not have made the process easier—we provided the dimensions and they pre-cut the material in their factory, which saved us time and labor on the jobsite.” In addition to the cubbies, Scranton Products supplied partitions for several of the new complex’s restrooms. Given the high-impact requirements, the company’s Hiny Hiders were the ideal choice for partitions given their non-porous, HDPE surface, which is naturally resistant to odors, mold and mildew. Graffiti wipes off easily with most non-abrasive cleaners and can be power washed and steam cleaned without the worry of rust. The Tufftec lockers used in the officials’ locker rooms are also designed to meet the demands of the harshest daily use, while remaining virtually maintenance free. All Scranton Products’ lockers and partitions are also Green- Guard Gold Certified, meeting the strictest standards for improved indoor air quality—especially important in schools.


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