Metal Roof Helps Preserve Historic School

Jan. 24, 2019

Multiple problems, including an aging structure and a failing asphalt roof, led Bibb County, Ga. Schools to recover the roof of historic Alexander II Magnet School with a symmetrical standing seam metal roof.

Macon, Ga.
Edifice Consulting

The original building that housed the Alexander II Magnet School in Macon, Ga., was completed in 1902. Several significant additions through the years have brought the entire facility up to 41,650 sq. ft. In June 2000, Alexander II was named to the list of 11 Most Endangered Historic places by the National Trust for Historic Preservation.

“During an assessment, we discovered that the asphalt shingles were installed with no ventilation and heavy insulation,” says Jody Usry of Edifice Consulting in Byron, Ga., “It was designed for metal so with no ventilation, the shingles were burning up. And there was so much expansion and contraction that the nails were backing out in spots. The best thing to do was retrofit with metal.”


McElroy’s 138T symmetrical standing seam system is a quick and efficient method for installing metal roofing directly over asphalt shingles, without an underlayment and without a tear-off. The system is designed around the patented clip paired with the company’s 138T symmetrical standing seam panel. Measuring 1.375-in. tall, it is a two-piece mechanically seamed metal roofing system.


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