A Melody of Colors Cover Exterior of Mixed-Use Development

Sept. 19, 2018
San Jose, Calif.
Steinberg Architects

SoFA is the site of several city festivals and events. The Pierce, a mixed-use housing/retail development, is situated on almost two acres and fronts three different streets in downtown San Jose, Calif. General contractor Clark Builders Group completed construction in 2016—part of that construction included installing 9000-sq.-ft. composite panels.


With its urban feel and futuristic characteristics, The Pierce features many cutting-edge conveniences. The exterior needed to match that urban vibe.


Clark Builders Group installed 9,000-sq.-ft. of Laminators Inc. Omega-Lite ACM panels using their proprietary Clip & Caulk installation system. Steinberg Architects, San Francisco, selected many different colored ACM panels to fit in with the innovative and energetic urban theme. Architectural Building Products, Buffalo, N.Y., distributed all 9000 sq. ft. of the ACM panels in earthy Sierra Tan, Sandstone, Dove Grey and custom color Storm Cloud.

Omega-Lite ACM panels offer a highly decorative, strong and durable surface finish for exterior wall surfaces. Composed of a polypropylene, lightweight corrugated core between two finished aluminum sheets, these panels are non-absorbent, water-resistant and easy to maintain.

Laminators’ Clip & Caulk installation system gives you the Rout & Return “look” without the hassle of prefabricating the panels, greatly reducing the total installed cost and project timeline. This easy, field- proven method is the choice of architects and installers who are looking for a very flat look without visible fasteners. Panels can be cut on-site with few peripheral accessories needed for installation. Color-matched caulk gives a beautiful monochromatic look; contrasting caulk can be used with eye-pleasing results.

Omega-Lite installed with the Clip & Caulk system guaranteed The Pierce apartments a class A fire rating as well as met NFPA (National Fire Protection Assn.) 285, Miami-Dade County Product Control and Florida Product Approval requirements. ACM panels meet stringent performance levels and provide confidence that their cladding will withstand extreme conditions.


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