Living Wall Graces Atrium at University Science and Tech Center

June 20, 2019

The Jack and Mary De Witt Center for Science and Technology, Cornerstone University puts creation and science on display.

Spring Lake Park, Mich.

The $15.5 million Center for Science and Technology is a three-story, 29,500-sq.-ft. academic building that provides a new home for the university’s science, technology, engineering and math (stem) programs. The center features a 374-sq.-ft. green wall.


LiveWall indoor living wall system is one of the industry’s most sustainable, durable and low-maintenance living wall system. The center’s living wall was installed with two separate LiveWall structures (each 14 ft. 6-in. × 4 ft. × 10-ft.) with shared infrastructure.

“The wall was also wrapped around the corner,” said Jamie Benvenuto, design architect, ProgressiveAE. “Wrapping the wall around the side adds dimensionality and makes it more visible and prominent within the interior and from the exterior of the building.”

“The engineering and flexibility of LiveWall made it the right choice for the project,” said John Haadsma, commercial landscape manager, Katerberg VerHage,
the landscape design/build contractor that installed the green wall. “Simple, minimal modifications to standard parts and installation techniques turned it into a passive biofiltration system without the expense of more complex and costly systems specially designed for this purpose.”

“Horticultural expertise is a critical success factor for any living-wall project,” said Pat Zawacki, senior project manager, The Christman Co. “Given the aesthetic and functional purposes of the center’s living wall, it was important for us to have the experts from LiveWall working with us.”


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