Hybrid Roof System with EPS Means Savings for Utah Business Park

April 28, 2020

Tasked with finding the most efficient and inexpensive roof insulation for the tilt-up business park, Capitol Roofing Service opted for a hybrid roofing system.

Sandy, Utah

Preparing for the influx of businesses that are taking root in Utah’s sixth-largest city, developer Synergy Development set out to build a warehouse and office space in Sandy. To save time and money on the job site, the building owner took a concrete tilt-up approach for the exterior. Capitol Roofing Service opted for a hybrid roofing system.


Capitol Roofing Service opted for a hybrid roofing system with a foundation of expanded polystyrene (EPS) from Insulfoam. Not only does this two-in-one roofing solution afford high-performance, but the EPS insulation component specifically solved the roofer’s biggest problem—project cost. “EPS cost half of what was bid in other insulation options. Even with added fastener costs, the owner still saved double digits per square foot by going with the EPS/polyiso hybrid system,” Jason Wood, Territory Sales Manager for Insulfoam, said.

James Fiscus, Estimator for Capitol Roofing Service, confirmed the cost effectiveness, “Cost was one of the biggest reasons we went with EPS insulation. The owner gives you a budget, and you figure out a way to stay in budget so you can do the job. Whenever you can save on insulation and get the same R-value, that’s a huge benefit.”

“EPS also led to labor savings, as the insulation is easy to use and easy to cut,” Fiscus continued. This freed up construction crews to focus on other, more time-consuming tasks. EPS’ lightweight properties are largely to credit, allowing fewer workers to lift and maneuver the product with ease, quickly placing one layer of 5.13-in. EPS precisely on the roof.

The final element of the hybrid roof is the TPO membrane. Manufactured by Insulfoam’s sister company Versico, 60mil of VersiWeld was laid out over the polyiso, as all three products are compatible. Versico used CAV-GRIP 3V’s Low-VOC spray adhesive, which dispenses faster than traditional roll-on adhesives for additional labor advantages, and the company was crucially able to warranty the total system. “The end-user wants products and systems that work well together and can be more efficient,” Barker said. “The owner and architect were looking for a 20-year warranty, and that’s something we’re able to provide with the hybrid system involving different divisions of Carlisle Construction Materials.”


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