Hotel Restroom Chic

June 1, 2016
The Hyatt Regency O’Hare Hotel features many amenities, one being its proximity to the airport. But guests may left gawking at the new contemporary design and bathroom upgrades.
Rosemont, Ill.
Dominique Perrault
CHALLENGE:Visitors come to the Hyatt Regency O’Hare Hotel, Chicago’s sixth-largest hotel, because of its proximity to O’Hare Airport, its covered walkway to the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center and its easy access to highways to downtown Chicago. Now, following an interior facelift, guests may find the hotel’s contemporary décor and high-tech features to be equally enticing—including the public restrooms in its lobby, which have a draw of their own thanks to a complete makeover featuring the latest in touchless commercial restroom products. SOLUTION:The new public restrooms feature slategray panels with all white Sloan ceramic bowls and bright chrome fixtures that offer a clean, fresh and decidedly high-tech aesthetic. Restrooms feature Sloan water closets with Sloan 8115 exposed, battery-powered sensor-activated flushometers, urinals with Sloan 8186 sensoractivated flushometers, Sloan EAF 250 touch-free faucets and ADA-compliant sinks with large mirrors, each with its own television. “With Sloan you never have to touch the product,” says Tony Fiore, Hyatt Regency O’Hare senior director of engineering. “The sensors allow the users to go touch free, and the reliability of these products leaves me with nothing to worry about. Literally the only people that touch them are housekeeping during their daily cleaning of the bathrooms.” null

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