The Heart of Campus

Oct. 29, 2020

When students attending Tulane University walk into the heart of campus, they will be greeted by the recent completion of Tulane Commons, a 77,000-sq.-ft., three-story eatery, study area and event space.

New Orleans

Open space and a floor-to-ceiling curtainwall is featured throughout the building to provide views of New Orleans, as well as the regal oak trees that line the lush quad on Tulane’s campus. The end result is a stunning addition to Tulane University that will attract the best and brightest students and faculty members from around the world.


The vision behind the iconic building was to design a forward-thinking, multi-functional space that would reflect the three prominent university intersections on the site where Tulane Commons stands.


YKK AP America’s YHC 300 SSG (Structural Silicone Glazed) Cassette curtainwall meets impact requirements for the coastal region, while providing slim sightlines that enhance the look of the building. It is a high-performance curtainwall system designed and tested to meet the most demanding conditions. With varied infill and components, it can meet the requirements for Impact Resistance. The Model 35H-Impact Resistant and Blast Mitigating Medium Stile Entrance is a durable entrance system now available in medium (35H) and wide stile (50H) versions. In addition to a comprehensive array of locking and hinging options, this product is available with monolithic or 1-in. insulating laminated glass for medium and wide stile applications.


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