Grocery Store/Office Transformed into a College Campus

June 15, 2020

Antelope Valley College focused on its future with a retrofit project that created the Palmdale Center that was an existing grocery store with attached office building.

Palmdale, Calif.
KBZ Architects

The retrofit market is filled with opportunity for the building owners who are willing to reinvest in structures. Antelope Valley College focused on its future with a retrofit project that created the Palmdale Center in Palmdale, Calif. With the project, the college now has a self-contained satellite campus that once was an existing grocery store with an attached medical office building.


Dri-Design Tapered Series wall panels were selected to set the campus apart from the surrounding buildings. Best Contracting Services installed 5,200 sq. ft. of 0.080-in. aluminum Tapered Series panels. The panels have a Class 1 Clear Anodized finish. Tapered Series Panels can be angled in any direction with varying depths and degree of slope. This freedom to design each specific panel gives an unlimited capacity to create a dynamic, one-of-a-kind surface on nearly any façade without the need to modify the substrate or weather barrier.

This was the first time the architectural team had worked with Dri-Design panels though they have used other metal cladding products. Dowty adds, “We preferred the random look of Dri-Design’s Tapered Series. Construction detailing and simplicity also were a product consideration.”

The new campus includes a student lounge, library, bookstore, computer center, wet and dry science labs, early childhood development center, classrooms, large lecture halls, offices and support space.

“Customization and endless design possibilities allow Dri-Design metal wall panels to transform existing structures into vibrant spaces,” says Brad Zeeff, president of Dri-Design. “The retrofit market remains strong because of teams like this that see the possibility in existing structures and the versatility of metal wall panels.”


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