Florida RV Center Relies on IMPs to Beat the Heat

Feb. 20, 2019

Roofing and siding insulated metal panels proved to be the most effective choice for the architectural team and installation crew at the General RV Center store in Orange Park, Fla.

Orange Park, Fla.
Scherer Construction

In order to beat the heat and provide a clean aesthetic, Scherer Construction needed to find the right complement of roofing and siding insulated metal panels.


“The heat here in Florida is ferocious,” says Robert Taylor, AIA, of Scherer Construction of Gainesville, Fla. “New buildings of this type are required to have a roofing R-value of 38 and insulated metal panels go a long way in helping achieve that. They certainly speed up the installation process and give you a durable and attractive end product.”


Metl-Span provided approximately 4500 sq. ft. of insulated metal panels installed as siding and another 8600 sq. ft. installed as roofing on the new store. The insulated metal panels were installed as siding on the upper two-thirds of the building and were 2.5-in. thick. The siding is a 26-gauge panel, Light Stone in color with a Mesa finish, to complement the split-faced concrete block installed on the lower third of the storefront.


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