Flooring Takes Training Center to the Next Level

Aug. 2, 2021

The COPA Soccer Training Center was designed to analyze athletes from every angle to improve cognitive, physical and technical abilities.

Walnut Creek, Calif.
Mark Hall

Retrofitting a multipurpose athletic facility into a building constructed more than four decades ago can be extremely daunting. The design challenges were compounded by the fact that COPA (Comprehensive Objective Performance Assessment) required numerous types of surfaces to support a variety of fitness spaces in the 110,000-sq.-ft. facility.


AndyMcDermott, COPA’s director of culture, was tasked with overseeing many aspects of design and development of this state-of-the-art training center.


McDermott chose Ecore for all surface installations in the training center except for polished concrete, which was preserved from the original building.The Double SpeedCourt provides coaching and training on foundational running and movement techniques. PlyoTurf offers a durable, textured polyethylene wear layer, fusion bonded to a vulcanized composition rubber-base layer using patented its TRU Technology. Ecore’s TurfX was used in multiple areas of the COPA training center, which offers 25,000 sq. ft. of futsal courts. Typically constructed from wood, COPA chose to use the more forgiving Bounce 2. This surface was also installed in the spin room and retail spaces.

Covering the indoor Turf Arena, A-Turf offers ahigh pile that is quick and highly playable. This multipurpose field has the softness of grass in an indoor setting. Speed & Agility Turf was installed in the weight room between the circuit and sports performance areas.

Used for the COPA’s outdoor track, Surface America EverTop was specified in the weightlifting area and COPA Kids SpeedZone, Ecore Monster flooring is both cushioning and sound absorbing. It was installed in five lifting rack areas with five lifting inlay platforms that seamlessly sport the COPA logo on the surface.

Ecore Rally was used in the Speed Lab, which was designed to teach and enhance running techniques and movement skills. Also specified in the cardio area and indoor track, Rally is tailored for heavy conditioning to absorb the impact force related to aggressive functional training.

The COPA shower area required a slip-resistant, waterproof surface. Aqueous checked all the boxes with flooring that is engineered with slip-resistant particles and a raised emboss for added stability.


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