DC Metrorail Covers Its Tracks

Dec. 1, 2016
The multi-billion dollar, two-phase Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project relies on the installation of standing seam panels to highlight escalator vaults, rider pavilions, pedestrian bridges and canopies.
Washington, D.C.
di Domenico + Partners
CHALLENGE:The Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project is a 23-mile extension of Washington’s existing Metrorail System. Construction of Phase 1 is complete and covers 11.7 miles with five stations. Phase 2 is underway and will complete the extension with six additional stations. Upon completion, the line will provide a one-seat, no-transfer ride from Dulles Airport to downtown Washington, D.C. creating a long-sought connectivity between the burgeoning Washington corridor and the nation’s capital. Chu Contracting completed installation of the panels on the Phase 1 stations and is the roofing contractor on all Phase 2 stations as well. “Phase 1 was an extremely complex design and a challenging installation,” according to Ted Yim, project manager. “The site was tight and congested and the job progressed through a very complicated schedule.” SOLUTION:More than 150,000 sq. ft. of Rheinzink prePATINA blue-grey and prePATINA graphite-grey was used in multiple applications on all five Phase 1 stations. The 1-in. Double Lock Standing Seam Panels highlight the escalator vaults, rider pavilions, pedestrian bridges and platform canopies. In addition, approximately 180,000 sq. ft. of Rheinzink Double Lock Standing Seam Panels has been specified for use on five of the six Phase 2 stations. null

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