Daylight Control

Nov. 1, 2016
The Flatiron Building employs good daylighting techniques, which includes a custom-made shading system that reduces glare while allowing the proper amount of daylighting into the interior of the building.
Bethlehem, Pa.
CHALLENGE:The iconic Flatiron building in Bethlehem, Pa., was in need of renovation. As sustainable design consultants, the owners, The Stone House Group, were keen to employ good daylighting techniques and wanted to select a custom-made shading system to suit the tall narrow windows. INFLUENCE:Proper daylighting control was a critical building component to reduce glare, while allowing abundant daylighting into the interior spaces of the building. SOLUTION:The team opted for Indoor Sky’s Dayliter Shading System. Rather than select a “stack” of lightshelves the designer elected to go with a single 36-in. shelf but needed it to be operable. Using a new worm gear operating system, the team at Indoor Sky was able to produce both the functionality and aesthetics that the project required. Motorized roller shades driven by a PV panel completed the system saving the owner significant money by not having to run electrical service to each window head through dense engineering brick. The Dayliter Shading System delivers glare-free daylight using operable fabric lightshelves with an integral roller shade. The system is fully configurable and available in any shade fabric. null

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