Curved Windows Add Aesthetic Touch

Dec. 8, 2020
Miami, Fla.

Fenex provided beautiful curved windows for a renovation project for a high-end retailer in the Miami Design District, Bottega Veneta, a luxury fashion house from Milan, Italy. The district is home to many flagship international luxury stores, art galleries and award-winning restaurants, so meeting the look and feel for this project was key.

Fenex worked with the design team to create this unique one-of-a kind window system, that was impact-rated, but also met the client’s aesthetic desires. Due to Miami’s strict standards for wind and impact protection, this window system had a custom configuration of structural interlayer along with its unique frame that would protect this storefront from anything Mother Nature could throw at it.

Judge’s Comment “A great glass innovation, and certainly a terrific option for retrofits, these windows add the ability to break up rows of storefronts.”

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