Commercial to Contemporary Mixed-Use

June 1, 2015
Los Angeles, Calif.
The Limbach Co.
CHALLENGE:When J.H. Snyder, one of the nation’s leading full-service real estate and building developers, took on The Vermont project, a twin tower apartment complex in Los Angeles, they knew they had to make the new building energy efficient but still provide their tenants with the best possible living experience. The build was awarded to The Limbach Co. for choosing a system with variable refrigerant flow (VRF) technology to fulfill their HVAC needs. SOLUTION:

The Limbach Co. realized that, by switching out the originally scoped Water Source Heat Pumps with an LG Multi V VRF system, they would be able to install the system to achieve higher energy efficiency for about the same cost as the original plan. The LG Multi V III features higher energy efficiency, longer piping capabilities, lower operational costs, minimal to no duct work, tenant comfort with individual zoning, and efficiency superior to other technologies while maintaining architectural integrity with zoned comfort. “Our customer was focused on a cost-effective building addressing both construction and sustainability needs, but also needed to achieve LEED Gold,” says Armando Estrada, contract manager and project executive for The Limbach Co. “We proposed an LG VRF system for their high-rise configuration. After running preliminary calculations and confirming building requirements, we found it was a viable system due to its equipment sizing and overall cost-savings in the buildings. The result is that we now have the first highrise building in California using VRF technology delivered on budget and on time.” VRF systems have a much greater piping capability than traditional Direct Expansion style systems. Therefore, the longer line lengths of the Multi V III allowed the piping to run up more than 30 stories, ideal for the two towers that make up The Vermont. The Multi V III’s flexible design helped result in a layout that effectively met Title 24–California’s Building Energy Efficiency standards—plus ASHRAE requirements for refrigerant volume and the contractor’s goals for the building. The VRF system will also add to the overall comfort of the building, providing optimal cooling and heating throughout the two towers. Additionally, the system itself is quieter, adding to The Vermont’s high-end feel and making the Multi V the perfect choice for the build. LG electronics was so impressed with the unique strategy for making the installation work that The Vermont was awarded the Multi V Job of the Year Award in recognition for the most innovative new construction with a Multi V product.


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