Chapel Hill Finds Sound Solution

March 1, 2016
UNC’s Marisco Hall Imaging and Research Building found a solution from a sight and sound standpoint.
Chapel Hill, N.C.
Contractor: Grainger Industrial Distributors
CHALLENGE:A university lab and cancer research facility, the Marisco Hall Imaging Research Building serves students and faculty within both University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s School of Medicine and the Eschelman School of Pharmacy. One of the largest buildings on campus, the 343,000-sq.-ft. structure is a centerpiece of UNC’s research community, featuring state-of-the-art imaging equipment. INFLUENCE:The team sought to deliver the look and feel of a custom millwork finish while sourcing a product that incorporated sustainable qualities. SOLUTION:The project used 2,500 sq. ft. of Wood-Trend’s Beech Steamed veneer and 7,000 sq. ft. of maple veneer, which were paired with absorptive backings. The WoodTrends Custom Ceiling Panels also delivered the convenience of a conventional suspended ceiling without proprietary installation requirements, offering simplified maintenance requirements. The ceiling panels were installed in a mini-micro perforation pattern, which allowed for the look and feel of real wood without the typical reverberation issues. As an added bonus, the Class “A” fire rated MDF veneer solution delivered sustainability benefits such as formaldehyde-free construction and reduced impact on forests due to its favorable production scalability characteristics. WoodTrends wood ceiling panels incorporate a variety of configurations to meet acoustical requirements without compromising aesthetics. null

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