Build It Like Beckham

May 3, 2022

The new DVR PNK Stadium—home to Miami’s professional soccer club, Inter Miami CF, needed a signature look with a modern feel, under tight time constraints.

Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
Manica Architecture, Perez and Perez

In 2014, David Beckham and a group of investors started plans for a new stadium in Miami, but getting the necessary approvals for the endeavor proved challenging. The project fell through multiple times, but, in 2019, the group finally received permission to build a massive sports complex site next to Miami’s international airport. Unfortunately, Miami’s first professional MLS team was set to debut in early 2020, leaving too little time to build a stadium on the proposed site. Instead, they decided to re-purpose the older Lockhart Stadium in Ft. Lauderdale, a dilapidated building that was sitting unused after years of hosting another semi-professional soccer club. They had less than 10 months to build the new facilities. Product selection was critical to getting the project completed in time.


Kingspan’s benchmark Designwall 4000 architectural panels were chosen as the main exterior of the building. This solution offered design and construction teams the ability to create a new building envelope with excellent thermal performance, in custom colors, very quickly.

The project was completed in under 10 months, a record-breaking construction time frame that was unheard of in the world of professional sports stadiums. The panels were painted a custom pink and black, the official colors of Inter Miami CF. With the QuadCore technology inside the panels, the stadium is equipped for excellent thermal performance—with R-values reaching up to R-8 per in.


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