Big Screen, Bright Lights

Feb. 1, 2019

Framed in a lantern-like glow of a new curtainwall, the Odeon Theatre’s façade is the signature feature of Bh2, a sprawling cinema and leisure complex in the heart of the English seaside city.

Bournemouth, UK
Broadway Maylan

A new curtainwall flanks the Odeon Theatre’s main signage, giving it the symbolic feel of two large screens that hint of the cinematic excitement inside. The Odeon features 10 screens, reclining seats and a play area for kids in front of select screens. The concession area looks like something dreamed up at the Willy Wonka Candy Co.


In the case of the Odeon Theatre in Bournemouth, UK, it is aesthetic beauty first and foremost that makes a curtainwall of Kalwall translucent sandwich panels a key element of this prestige project. More than 3000 sq. ft. of Kalwall panels were used in this bold design, which has transformed the site of a former bus station. Just as achieving the right angles and light are important to cinematic quality, the proper daylighting of a building is critical for the comfort of its patrons. Kalwall provides that comfort by eliminating the stark contrasts of light and shade.

Kalwall also offers complete line-of-sight protection, maintaining privacy for building occupants. The system enhances simplicity by doing away with the need for blinds, curtains or solar control. Even on cloudy days, the interior is flooded with daylight, which means less artificial lighting and, because it is highly insulating, energy costs are reduced.

Carol Welch, managing director of Odeon UK and Ireland, calls the Odeon Theatre in Bournemouth, “our most innovative cinema in the UK,” and says she is excited about the amazing experiences such a cinema provides. Thanks to the breathtaking Kalwall façade, that sense of amazement begins before a moviegoer even enters the theater.


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