Baggage Claim

April 1, 2016
Milwaukee’s General Mitchell International Airport greets visitors with a new baggage claim area.
Milwaukee, Wisc.
Engberg Anderson Architects
CHALLENGE:Passengers flying at General Mitchell International Airport in Milwaukee are now greeted by a new baggage claim area. The high-traffic area needed a durable interior and exterior material that also improved the aesthetics to enhance passengers’ experiences. INFLUENCE:“There are various infill, wall and column cover conditions where metal panels could achieve that level of durability, provide a long-lasting color and finish, and be easy to maintain,” says Debra Sider, principal with Engberg Anderson Architects, Milwaukee. “In addition, the panels were installed in both existing and new construction locations. From an aesthetic perspective, the metal panels provided continuity across the overall building.” SOLUTION:Single-source supplier Dri-Design manufactured Shadow Series wall panels, standard fl at wall panels, and column covers for the renovation and expansion project. The 0.08-in. aluminum standard and Shadow Series wall panels were finished in Bone White and Bright Silver. They were installed by Architectural Products of Wausau, Wausau, Wisc. Shadow Series panels can be manufactured with varying depths. This freedom to design each panel gives you an unlimited capacity to create a dynamic, one-of-a-kind surface on nearly any façade. The substrate or weather barrier do not need to be modified. null

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