Austin Mall Renovation Has High-Class Covered

June 1, 2015
Austin, Texas
Beck Architecture
CHALLENGE:Situated in a beautiful, park-like setting, the Domain Mall, located in Austin, Texas, features 100 upscale and mainstream retail stores and restaurants, almost half of which are exclusive within the market. Simon Properties and Beck Architecture wanted to add to the high-class ambience with a stunning landscape renovation, including a unique cover for the common area. SOLUTION:

Birdair’s design provided just the look the owners wanted for Domain Mall. Using cables and polytetrafl uoroethylene (PTFE) membrane, the steel and cable structure stretches about 15,000 sq. ft., with PTFE fiberglass membrane fabric covering about 5,700 of the total 15,000 sq. ft. PTFE is a Teflon-coated woven fiberglass membrane that is extremely durable and weather resistant. The striking and colorful “mandolin” shade structure was part of a several million dollar landscaping renovation covering approximately 10,000 sq. ft. of the mall’s common area. Birdair’s unique structure offers shade for customers and creates an area designed for live music performances, festivals, markets and holiday activities. “We were approached to assist in helping develop a unique and different look at the architect’s direction. The intent was to use cables and components of architectural membrane to enhance the outdoor experience for patrons,” said Douglas Radcliffe, business development manager, Birdair North America. “We were able to achieve the architect’s vision and make this an even more enjoyable retail destination.” The fiber coating on Birdair’s PTFE fiberglass membrane is chemically inert and can withstand extreme temperatures—the membrane can be installed in climates ranging from the frigid arctic to the scorching desert heat, with a project life in some cases exceeding 30 years. It is also completely immune to dangerous UV radiation. This unique combination of inertness, thermal stability and surface properties make Birdair’s PTFE-coated fabric membrane ideal for projects requiring superior weather and fire resistance.


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